Wednesday, August 12, 2020


 Life goes by slowly and lazily,

you go to bed at night tiredly.

You drift into the sleep at night,

without much fight.

Your mind recaps the day's happenings,

and is busy streaming you dreams.

Then suddenly you wake up as it hits you,

this unseen  giant wave of sorrow.

It kicks you up,  pounds you down

and in this turbulence makes you drown.

It throws you left and then to  right,

and crushes your soul with all its might.

It strangles your heart with a vice like grip,

there you can see happiness leaves you drip by drip

Your screams for help in this fight,

invisible  in the darkness of the night.

You've never been in such a tussle,

where life is sucked out of every muscle

you are alone in this fight,

 coz no one can see that somethings not right.

There is no weapon to fight this sorrow,

except your faith  in a better tomorrow.

This simple hope calms your nerves,

helps you find ground beneath your legs

Cling on to this pillar  stronger than ever,

coz this storm gonna feels like it lasts forever

In these times when you're helplessly alone,

have company with memories from the times gone

Don't fight this tide, coz it will suck you inside

Just hold your breath and let the wave subside.

Every tide has to ebb after its flow, 

Now, come out and feel the life's warm glow

Pick yourselves up and start the  new day,

but don't forget the learnings of yesterday

Everyone says,This too shall pass and tomorrow is bright.

But remember this lesson,  surviving today is not an easy fight.